spring constant practical class 11 can anyone tell me how to do calculation and table form ?
To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.
Spring, a rigid support, a 50 g or 20 g hanger, six 50 g or 20 g slotted weights, a vertical wooden scale, a fine pointer, a hook.
When a load F suspended from lower free end of a spring hanging from a rigid support, increases its length by amount l,
It is called the force constant or the spring constant of the spring,
From above if l = 1, F = K.
Hence, force constant (or spring constant) of a spring may be defined as the force required to produce unit extension in the spring.
Just spot the best straight line fit and draw the line in with a ruler (or run a linear least squares calculation). As stated above the relationship depicted on the graph is W = kx where k is the spring constant. Therefore, the spring constant is the slope of the line.