Math, asked by rudra8239, 9 months ago

square root of 2 to 50​


Answered by TheLostMonk

Step-by-step explanation:

squares of numbers from 2 to 50

2 = 4, 3 = 9 , 4 = 16, 5 = 25,6 = 36,

7 = 49, 8 = 64 ,9 = 81,10 =100

11= 121,12= 144 ,13 = 169

14 = 196 ,15 = 225 ,16 = 256

17 = 289, 18 = 324 ,19 = 361

20 = 400 ,21 = 441,22 = 484

23 = 529 ,24 = 576 ,25 = 625

26 = 676 ,27 = 729, 28 = 784

29 = 841 ,30 = 900, 31 = 961

32 = 1024,33 = 1089,34 = 1156

35 = 1225 ,36 = 1296 ,37 = 1369

38 = 1444,39 =1521, 40 = 1600

41 = 1681,42 = 1764 ,43 = 1849

44 = 1936 ,45 = 2025 ,46 = 2116

47 = 2209 ,48 = 2304 ,49 = 2401

50^2 = 2500

Trickc to get square of 2 digit numbers, example 32^2 = ?

2^2 = 4, 3×2 = 6×2 = 12 (carry1)

3^2 = 9 + carry(1) = 10

ANS = 1024

Hope Helps :)

Answered by sudhirkumarusha1492

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