Square root of 641.1024 do it in division method and show
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Divide 40 by your approximation: 4011=3.6 . (When you divide, stop when the number of digits in the quotient is the same as the number of digits in the divisor).
Take the average of the divisor, 11 , and the quotient, 3.6 : 11+3.62=14.62=7.30 .
Your next approximation is now 7.30 .
Repeat again.
Divide 40 by your approximation: 407.30=5.48 .
Take the average of the divisor, 7.30 , and the quotient, 5.48 : 7.30+5.482=12.782=6.390 .
Your next approximation is now 6.390 .
We repeat until the third decimal place doesn’t change.
Divide 40 by your approximation: 406.390=6.260 .
Take the average of the divisor, 6.390 , and the quotient, 6.260 : 6.390+6.2602=12.6502=6.325 .
Your next approximation is now 6.325 .
Getting there.
Divide 40 by your approximation: 406.325=6.324 .
Take the average of the divisor, 6.325 , and the quotient, 6.324 : 6.325+6.3242=12.6492=6.325 .
Your next approximation is now 6.325 .
Wait. That’s the same as our last approximation, so that our answer.
And now you’ve computed that 40−−√≈6.325 .
This technique for finding the square root of a number is a type of a bisection method. Even though it is very simple to do mathematically, if you write a program to do this, it will very quickly converge to your square root.
Sure, there are faster methods, but to heck with them….
Step-by-step explanation:
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