Social Sciences, asked by GoodYashGarg11, 1 year ago

Sst paper 9th class SA-2


Answered by smartyprince
1.Why were railways essential for the colonial government ? Give two reasons.OrWho are nomads ?OrWho was Captain Swing ?
2.Give two reasons responsible for unfavourable sex-ratio.
3.What is the importance of electoral competition?
4.Name any two institutions responsible to run the democratic government in India.
5.Mention any two freedoms provided under Rightto Freedom.
6.How is the poverty line estimated periodically ? Name an organisation which is responsible for estimating poverty
.7.Name the policy through which a differential price policy was adopted for the poor and the non-poor.
8.Mention any two factors responsible for seasonal hunger.
9.‘The introduction of railways had an adverse impact on the forests’. Justify by giving examples.OrMention any three reasons to explain why the cattle stock of the Maasai decreased under colonial rule.OrWhy were Indian farmers not ready to cultivate opium ? Explain.
10. Explain briefly the factors which led to the enclosures in England.OrWhy did the British introduce Waste Land Rules ? How did they affect the pastoralists ?OrExplain what is shifting cultivation. Why did European foresters regard this practice as harmful for forests ?
11. Why did Mahatma Gandhi condemn the Pentangular Tournament ?OrWhat was the main objective of the Sumptuary Laws ? Mention any two restrictions imposed under these laws.
12. What are jet streams ? How do jet streams influence on the climate of India
13. Every species has a role to play in the ecosystem. Explain
.14. ‘Migration is an important determinant of population change’. Explain.
15. ‘The Right to Freedom is actually a cluster of several rights’. Mention any three.
16. What is public interest litigation ? What is its importance ?
17. Mention any three factors which make the elections democratic.
18. What are the features of NREGA ? Mention anythree.
19. Distinguish between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger.
20. What is food security ? Explain the major dimensions of food security ?
21. How was commercialisation of agriculture responsible for deforestation under the colonial period ?Or“The Pastoral groups were sustained by a careful consideration of a host of factors”. Explain these factors.OrWhat was Dust Bowl Tragedy ? What were the factors which led to dust bowl tragedy of 1930’s ?Explain.
22. What changes were brought by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in cricket laws in the later half of the 18thcentury ?OrHow was the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal linked to the politics of clothing ?
23. Mention any four features of the hot weather season of India.
24. Mention any five characteristics of the thorn forest.
25. What is an election ? Discuss the importance of elections in a democracy.
26. Explain the major powers and functions of the Prime Minister.
27. Question Based on OTBA.
28. Question Based on OTBA.Note: The student has to attempt any one mapquestion from question numbers 29.1, 29.2 and 29.3. Question no.
30 is compulsory. The maps are attached with the question paper.29.1 On the given outline map of India locate and work :
31.A place where a forest rebellion took placein 19052.Region related to Baiga forest tribes.3.Bastar in ChhattisgarhOr29.2 On the given outline map of India mark the following:*.A pastoralist community of Himachal Pra
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