English, asked by gamesupport, 5 months ago

St. Joseph’s School, Greater Noida

Final Term Examination 2020 -21

Subject- Computer

Class - V

MM- 40 Time - 2 Hrs.

(Pls Note: Time given includes the time for uploading of answer sheets).

Q 1. Fill in the blanks: [5×1=5]

1) A ___________consists of horizontal rows and vertical columns that intersect to form

a cell.

2) Breaking of a single cell into multiple cells is called___________.

3) By default, all the table cells in word has ________black solid border.

4) ____________view displays thumbnails of your slides arranged in row.

5) __________is a note that you can attach to a letter or word on a slide, or to an entire


Q 2. True/ False: [5×1=5]

1) URL stands for Universal Resource Locator.

2) Internet is a global network that connects millions of computers.

3) PowerPoint is used to present information in a graphical way.

4) Table Resize Handle is used to move the table.

5) Tables can hold the information or data.

Q 3. Match the following: [5×1=5]

1) Ctrl+ P - close the entire software

2) Alt+ F4 - Print the document

3) Shift+ Del - To select an entire table

4) Alt+ 5 - To delete the selected rows and columns

5) F5 - Slide Show

Q 4. Name the following: [9×1=9]

1) Give one example of a web browser.

2) What is the full form of Modem?

3) Which company provides internet connection?

4) Which option is used to close an e-mail account?

5) What is the default view in PowerPoint?

6) Which view display miniature view of the presentation slides on the screen?

7) In how many ways do you insert a table in a word?

8) Which key is used to move to the previous cell?

9) What is the use of Table Resize Handle?

Q 5. Short Answers: [5×2=10]

1) Define Cell.

2) Explain Table style.

3) Define Presentation.

4) Why is a domain name used in e-mail?

5) Define Internet.

Q 6. Long Answers: [3×2=6]

1) What is an e-mail? Write its advantages.

2) Define table. How do you insert a table in your document?​


Answered by shailajap826


closed circulatory system amphibians and reptiles explainthe kidneys in humans are a part of the system forHow are water and minerals transported in plants?Involuntary actions Reflex actions

Involuntary actions takes place without the conscious choice of an organism. Reflex actions are those actions takes place along with stimuli.

These actions are controlled by the medulla oblongata or the mid brain. These actions are controlled by spinal cord.

The speed is relatively slower. The speed is very quick.

Example is beating of heart. Example is blinking of eyes.The bloodstream carries glucose-a type of sugar produced from the digestion of carbohydrates and other foods-to provide energy to cells throughout the body. Unused glucose is stored mainly in the liver as glycogen. Insulin , glucagon, and other hormone levels rise and fall to keep blood sugar in a normal range.The purpose of reflex action is to provide quick response in situations where the organism does not have enough time to think. Reflex arcs are formed in the spinal cord, although the information inputs also reach the brain. This helps the brain to record this event and remember it for futuInsulin injections work by helping to move sugar from the blood into the body's cells. Moreover, it also inhibits the liver from producing more sugarसेब की हालत के बारे में लिखिए?

उत्तर- प्रेमचंद जी सुबह नाश्ता करने के लिए एक सेब निकाला तो वह एक रुपए के आकार का छिलका गल गया What other factors add to the erosion of precious soil?Read more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/973823/what-other-factors-add-to-the-erosion-of-precious-soil£ÀªÀÄä zÉñÀzÀ gÀPÀëuÁ ¥ÀqÉ KPÉ ¥Àæ¨sÀ®ªÁVgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ ?zÉñÀzÀ C©üªÀÈ¢ü PÀÄjvÀÄ d£ÀgÁqÀĪÀ ªÀiÁvÀÄUÀ¼ÁªÀªÀÅ ?Involuntary actions Reflex actions

Involuntary actions takes place without the conscious choice of an organism. Reflex actions are those actions takes place along with stimuli.

These actions are controlled by the medulla oblongata or the mid brain. These actions are controlled by spinal cord.

The speed is relatively slower. The speed is very quick.

Example is beating of heart. Example is blinking of eyes.The bloodstream carries glucose-a type of sugar produced from the digestion of carbohydrates and other foods-to provide energy to cells throughout the body. Unused glucose is stored mainly in the liver as glycogen. Insulin , glucagon, and other hormone levels rise and fall to keep blood sugar in a normal range.The purpose of reflex action is to provide quick response in situations where the organism does not have enough time to think. Reflex arcs are formed in the spinal cord, although the information inputs also reach the brain. This helps the brain to record this event and remember it for futuInvoluntary actions Reflex actions

Involuntary actions takes place without the conscious choice of an organism. Reflex actions are those actions takes place along with stimuli.

These actions are controlled by the medulla oblongata or the mid brain. These actions are controlled by spinal cord.

The speed is relatively slower. The speed is very quick.

Example is beating of heart. Example is blinking of eyes.Insulin injections work by helping to move sugar from the blood into the body's cells. Moreover, it also inhibits the liver from producing more sugarInvoluntary actions Reflex actions

Involuntary actions takes place without the conscious choice of an organism. Reflex actions are those actions takes place along with stimuli.

These actions are controlled by the medulla oblongata or the mid brain. These actions are controlled by spinal cord.

The speed is relatively slower. The speed is very quick.

Example is beating of heart. Example is blinking of eyes.The bloodstream carries glucose-a type of sugar produced from the digestion of carbohydrates and other foods-to provide energy to cells throughout the body. Unused glucose is stored mainly in the liver as glycogen. Insulin , glucagon, and other hormone levels rise and fall to keep blood sugar in a normal range.The purpose of reflex action is to provide quick response in situations where the organism does not have enough time to think. Reflex arcs are formed in the spinal cord, although the information inputs also reach the brain. This helps the brain to record this event and remember it for futuInvoluntary

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