Biology, asked by asifkhan9570a, 1 year ago

stage of leukopoiesis name​


Answered by shraddhahankune


Leukopoiesis is the process of formation of leukocytes (white blood cells) from stem cells in haematopoietic organs. Leukocytes develop from either multipotential myeloid stem cells (CFU-GEMM) or multipotential lymphoid stem cells (CFU-L).

Leukocytes developing from CFU-GEMM’s are granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils) or monocytes. Leukocytes developing from CFU-Ls are lymphocytes (T & B cells, dendritic and NK cells).

Answered by sinajismail0
Basophilic myelocyte & metamyelocyte Specific granules start to appear in the myelocyte stage, and as the cell develops into the metamyelocyte stage, mitosis ceases.
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