stars appears to twinkle but planets do not appear to twinkle why?
⇝ The stars twinkle at night, because the star light reaching our eyes increases and decreases continuously due to atmospheric refraction. when the star light reaching our eyes increases, the star looks bright and when the star light reaching are eyes decreases, The star looks dim.
Thus, the stars go on becoming bright and dim again and again.
This is called the twinkling of stars at night.
Lights from stars travel first in vacuum and then enters into earth's atmosphere as optical density of air increases towards the surface of earth. Therefore, light from the star from rarer to denser layers becoming bend every time to its normal.
the apparent position of stars and amount of light changes continuously. This leads to twinkling of stars.
⇝ Planets appear brighter than the stars as planets are close to earth compared to other stars. A planet can be considered to be made up of a number of point sources of light. Due to atmospheric refraction, when some of the point source looks brighter other appears dimmer.
Therefore, on the whole, overall brightness of the planet remains same always. The planet do not appear to twinkle.