State 2 reasons for the following facts
1: Sulphur is a non-metal
2: Magnesium is a metal
one of the reasons must be supported with a chemical equations
Sulphur is a non metal because
1. It is non malleable as it is brittle qnd cannot be converted into thin sheets.
2. It is non ductile and cannot be converted into wires
3. Not a good conductor of electricity
4. Non sonoruos
It do not produce sound when it is hit with with other non metal
5. Non lustrous
it do not shine
6. Not a good conductor of heat
Sulphur + oxygen = Sulphur dioxide+ hydrogen gas
= SO2 + H2 (Acidic In nature)
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(Cross multiply the valencies to make formula )
Magnesium is a metal because
1. It is malleable and can be converted into thin sheets.
2. It is ductile and can be converted into thin wires
3. Good conductor of heat
4. Good conductor of electricity
5. It is lustrous
6. It is sonorous
Magnesium + oxide (0‐²) = Magnesium oxide + hydrogen gas
Mg O
= MgO + H2 (Basic In nature)
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Hi i am from Karnataka but a malayali I can write and also I can read malayalam i just learnt from my father in lockdown to read
I m born in kerala but staying in karnataka