State 3 structural difference b/w fish and snail
◆ Snails have a mucus-laden, muscular foot adaptation, that flexes and contracts allowing for movement in water and land habitats, with the mucus layer preventing injury and friction along surfaces.
A snail's body consists of five main parts – the head, the neck, the visceral hump, the tail and the foot. A slug has the same essential parts, except for the visceral hump or shell.
Types and Forms of Shell Structure-
Folded Plates.
Barrel Vaults.
Short Shells.
Domes (surfaces of revolution)
Folded Plate Domes.
Translational Shells.
Warped Surfaces.
◆ Fish are aquatic, ectothermic vertebrates. Many structures in fish are adaptations for their aquatic lifestyle. For example, fish have a stream-lined body that reduces water resistance while swimming. Fish have gills for “breathing” oxygen in water and fins for propelling and steering their body through water.
Parts of a Fish -
Caudal fin.
Anal fin.
Pelvic fin.
Pectoral fin.
Gill cover.