state a prove the equivalence of NFA and DFA
We are going to prove that the DFA obtained from NFA by the conversion algorithm accepts the same language as the NFA.
NFA that recognizes a language L is denoted by M1 = < Q1 , , q1,0 , 1 , A1 > and DFA obtained by the conversion is denoted by M2 = < Q2, , q2,0 , 2 , A2 >
First we are going to prove by induction on strings that 1*( q1,0 , w ) = 2*( q2,0 , w ) for any string w. When it is proven, it obviously implies that NFA M1 and DFA M2 accept the same strings.
Theorem: For any string w, 1*( q1,0 , w ) = 2*( q2,0 , w ) .
Proof: This is going to be proven by induction on w.
Basis Step: For w = ,
2*( q2,0 , ) = q2,0 by the definition of 2* .
= { q1,0 } by the construction of DFA M2 .
= 1*( q1,0 , ) by the definition of 1* .
Inductive Step: Assume that 1*( q1,0 , w ) = 2*( q2,0 , w ) for an arbitrary string w. --- Induction Hypothesis
For the string w and an arbitrry symbol a in ,
1*( q1,0 , wa ) =
= 2( 1*( q1,0 , w ) , a )
= 2( 2*( q2,0 , w ) , a )
= 2*( q2,0 , wa )
Thus for any string w 1*( q1,0 , w ) = 2*( q2,0 , w ) holds.