Biology, asked by tapasarapur950, 1 year ago

State and briefly explain with one example the factor that could lead to formation of new species


Answered by kirtisingh01


List any four factors which could lead to the formation of new species.

The variables which can prompt the arrangement of another species are normal choice, quality stream, regenerative confinement, and geological disconnection and so on.

1) By common determination, the creatures better adjusted to their condition and produce more offsprings.

2) Gene stream is the exchange of hereditary variety starting with one populace then onto the next.

3) Reproductive confinement is implied by the powerlessness of an animal varieties to breed Successful with related species.

4) Geographic confinement alludes to the detachment from hereditary material trade among the creatures of similar species.

Answered by jitekumar4201

Factors that lead to formation of new species


  1. Peripatric speciation-New species are formed in an isolated region and they don't share their genes with the main population which is caused by the affect of founder effect.
  2. Genetic variation-When mutation leads to variation in the gene within a population may produce new species.
  3. Natural selection-This is an important factor as individual changes itself to rescue it's population from external factor thus nature allows them to survive.Natural selection allows favorable genes and eliminate less favorable genes.
  4. Genetic drift-It occur when drastic change takes place in the frequency of particular genes.
  5. Geographical isolation-It is caused by mountain range,rivers, seas and other environmental  factors that causes reproductive isolation.

Ex-Industrial melanism .

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