State and explain any four types of small industries.
Small scale industries (SSI) are those industries in which manufacturing, providing services, productions are done on a small scale or micro scale. For example, these are the ideas of Small scale industries: Napkins, tissues, chocolates, toothpick, water bottles, small toys, papers, pens.
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All types of small-scale industries found in India whether in manufacturing sector or service sector are divided into five types:
1. Manufacturing Industries:
Those units which are producing complete articles for direct consumption and also for processing industries are called as manufacturing industries. For example : Powerlooms, engineering industries, coin industries, khadi industries, food processing industries etc.
2. Ancillary Industries:
The industries which are producing parts and components and rendering services to large industries are called as ancillary industries.
3. Service Industries:
Service industries are those which are covering light repair shops necessary to maintain mechanical equipments. These industries are essentially machine- based.
4. Feeder Industries:
Feeder industries are those which are specialising in certain types of products and services, e.g. casting, electro-plating, welding, etc.