History, asked by shwetesh51, 8 months ago

State any 5 reasons why you think Hitler is the best man ever ? Describe his good habits in detail?


Answered by HarshChaudhary0706



1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews

Whenever you hear anyone espouse (repeat) the lies about Hitler the nasty Jew-killer. Please always make a point of asking this very simple question: “Where did you get that information from?”

Perhaps we all at some point have repeated this fable. Why would we not, when it’s shoved down our throats 24/7, year in year out for decades(?) There hasn’t been a man on this planet who has been demonized as much as Herr Hitler.

If Hitler wanted to kill Jews, why oh why throughout all his speeches and manuscripts and his book Mein Kampf did he not mention this? Did he just forget? No, he didn’t say or write it BECAUSE HE HAD NO INTENTION OF KILLING THE JEWS.

No matter what amount of destruction he had observed done by the Jews to his people; he had enough self-discipline and ethical code not to take revenge. Being a strong character, he was able to rise above the darkness, the demonic standards of the Judaic mindset and show self-restraint and humility.

That is why he created ‘containment work camps’ for the Jews and certainly NOT death camps.

2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps

Unbeknown to billions of people the Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps. Something had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured, does that ring a bell?

Something had to be done! And Hitler did do something – he placed all the Jews in containment camps to allow Germany to breath again. But – this is the key point in this essay/piece. He did it in a way which was ethical. The camps had decent sufficient food (bearing in mind it was war time), they had theaters, swimming pools, football pitches, post offices where inmates could communicate to the outside world, kindergartens, art and music recreation and even prostitutes.

Quality sanitation within the camps was paramount and that is why the inmates clothes were regularly de-loused with Zyklon B gas. There were no human gas chambers……THAT IS A BIG FAT KOSHER LIE; to which the world has had to endure for over half a century.

My theory is that if there had not have been a war effort, Hitler would not have even made the Jews work. AND I bet you the containment camps would have been luxury rehabilitation centers. In order to slowly de-programme the Jews from their mind control cult.

3/. He had compassion for other sentient beings

Many historians claim he was a vegetarian. I believe this is true, but whether this it is or not, the point is he had a clear connection and affection for his fellow creatures. I’m not suggesting just because he may have been a veggie that therefore he was a good person; but this was a man of compassion and that he recognised the importance of compassion in society. He had so much affection for his German shepherds (picture above with his beloved dog). He banned all animal experimentation, recocnising it to be evil.

4/. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow Europeans

Numerous occasions Hitler tried to warn and assist his fellow brethren about the Jewish trap they had fallen for and who really was behind all the warmonger. He dropped fliers from planes trying in vein to prevent Germany and Britain fighting. He initially wanted to make alliances with Britain. Many occasions he gave opportunities to opposing European forces, where he could have slaughtered them. It was his internal spiritual angst for him to be fighting (defending) amongst his European brothers and sisters. He did all he could to avoid war, he was not the warmonger we all have been led to believe.

5/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage  

Hitler observed the degrading machinations of the Jews in Austria and Germany. It not only disgusted and angered him, but saddened him to see how these two nations were being destroyed from the inside out like a cancer – a cancer that his sleepy folksmen could not see. The exact same angst those of us who are Jew-conscious find ourselves in. He was a man who cared about society, a man who cared about culture, who cared about nature, about moral values and about building and improving as opposed to destroying and degrading.

He was a man who had fought for his country, in the trenches and been hospitalized for his country. How many of our sell out politicians today can claim that? He was a true spokesman of the people, for the people who had diligently worked his way up from grass roots. From microcosmic pep talks to his fellow workman on building sites, to talks in beer houses, to speeches in basements, to town halls. As well as all the behind-the-scenes work and risks. Slung in jail, mocked and defamed. Endless tireless work to resolve the destruction of his peoples.

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