State any four functions carried out by different birds using their paws.
Feet and claws. Birds use their feet and claws in walking, climbing, holding food, swimming, and perching. Birds use their claws for self-defense also. The shape of their feet and claws depend on their food habit.
The four functions are carried out by different birds using their paws.
1. Hunting - The most important feature is hunting, birds like hawks, eagles, kites help to prey the animals like eat to maintain their food cycle.
2. Swimming - It depends upon the food habitat like the hawk has a sharp claw that can tear down the muscles, but a duck has a flat foot which helps in swimming.
3. Walking- It is a common function, paws help in walking from here and there, Ostrich has strong legs which can take them 40 miles per hour.
4. Climbing and Holding - Paws help to hold any object, Woodpecker holds the tree with help of their paws.