State five ways of conserving water.
- Take a shower of 5 minutes or less.
- Turn off the teeth while brushing your teeth or washing your hands.
- Don't throw out old water.
- Collect rain water.
- Refrain from polluting water bodies.
More to know :
- Reuse your bath water for plants.
- Get cold water from the fridge.
- Grow your own food.
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,
Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form‟d, altogether changed, and yet the same,
a. What does the use of word „eternal‟ indicate here?
i. It indicates the continual process of rain
ii. It indicates the continual process of nature
iii. It indicates the discontinuous process of rain
iv. It indicates the discontinuous process of nature
b. From where does „I‟ rise and where does it go?
i. It rises in the form of droplets and goes to the sea
ii. It rises in the form of clouds and goes to the sky
iii. It rises in the form of water vapour and goes to the land
iv. It rises in the form of water vapour and goes to the sky
c. Which word in the extract means the same as “in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or
i. Eternal