State four difference between taylor and fayol 's management principle.
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Taylor and Henry Fayol contributed to the science of management. There are points of similarity and dissimilarity in the works of both of these pioneers. Urwick has summed up the contributions of the two as: “The work of Taylor and Fayolwas, of course, essentially complementary. They both realised that, the problem of personnel and its management at all levels is the key to industrial success.oth applied scientific method to this problem. That Taylor worked primarily onthe operative level, from the bottom of the industrial hierarchy upwards, whileFayol concentrated on the !anaging "irector and worked downwards, was merelya reflection of their very different careers.# $e can, thus, sum up the points of similarity and dissimilarity between the two as follows:
%. oth of them felt the universality of management.&. oth applied scientific methods to the problems of management.'. oth observed the importance of personnel and its management at all levels.(. oth wanted to improve the management practices.). oth of them developed their ideas through practical e*perience.+. oth of them e*plained their ideas through their books.. oth of them stressed mutual co-operation between employers and employees.
%. Taylor laid his attention on the problems of shop floor while Fayol concentratedon the functions of managers at top level.
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