Chemistry, asked by ingalebhupen1781, 1 year ago

State in brief the drawbacks of rutherford atomiv model correlating them with the pistulates of bohr's atomic model


Answered by alex57
Rutherford said that electron in an atom revolves around the nucleus and hence the centrifugal force provided by that movement is opposite to the coulombian force between electron and nucleus and this is the reason for the stability of an atom.

But according to the Bohr any moving charge loses its energy by the time it is moving. So according to Rutherford model when an electron will loses its energy then the time will come whwn it falls in to the nucleus and it make an atom highly unstable but we all kniw that it is not true.

When Rutherford was asked this question then he was unable to give the answer
So to solve this problem Bohr gave his theory which says that electron move in a fixed energy level shell called orbits or orbitals or energy level shells.

When an electron is moving in a fixed energy shell the it neither gains or loses energy, its energy was stable at that energy level.

when an electron gain energy it jumps to the higher energy level shells and when it loses its energy it jumps to the lower energy level shell.
The energy of an electron is always equals to the integral multiple of h/2π where h is plancks constant.

so the energy if an electron at a particular energy level shell will bw equal to
= nh/2π
Answered by ritika103
Bhoris model of atom
=Only certain special orbits know as discretorbits of electrons

=while revoluting in discrete orbits the electrons do not radiate energy.
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