state Joule's law of heating
Joule's law of heating. This relation is known as Joule's law of heating. It states that the heat produced is proportional to (i) the square of the current I, (ii) resistance of the circuit R, and (iii) the time t during which the current flows through the circuit. This relation is known as Joule's law of heating.
P = I2R.
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Consider a current I flows through a resistor of resistance R on applying a potential difference V across it.
Let charge Q flows though the resistor in time t.Them the work done in moving charge Q is
W=VQ .............(i)
We know that I=Q or Q=It
Thus,From euqation (i), W=VIt
This work done is equal to the energy supplied by the source in time t.This energy gets dissipated in the form of heat in the resistor.Therefore,the heat produced in a resistor is
By using Ohm's Law,V=IR,we get H=I²Rt
This implies that the heat produced in a resistor is
(i)directly proportional to the square of current for a given resistance in a given time.
That is H∝ I²
(ii)directly proportional to the resiastance for a given current in a given time.
That is H∝R
(iii)directly proportional to the time for which current flows through the resistor.
That is H∝ I
This is known as Joule's Law of Heating
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joules law states that , the heat produced in a conductor is directly proportional to the square of the current flowoing in the conductor , to the time taken by the current to flow , to the resistance
H x I2
x R
x t