Physics, asked by mbarfa4130, 1 year ago

state ohm's law and its limitations in points


Answered by dafitid
The most basic quantities of electricity are voltage, current and resistance. Ohms law shows a simple relationship between these three quantities. This law is one of the most basic laws of electricity. This law helps to calculate the power, efficiency and impedance of any element of electrical circuit.
Ohms law first appeared in the book written by George Simon Ohm (German) in 1827.

Statement of Ohm's Law

Whenever we apply a potential differencei.e. voltage across a resistor of a closed circuit, current starts flowing through it.

The statement of Ohms law says that

This current (I) is directly proportional to the voltage (V) applied, provided temperature and all other factors remain constant. Mathematically,Where, R is constant of proportionality. This equation presents the statement of Ohm law. Here, we measure current in Ampere (or amps), voltage in unit of volt. The constant of proportionality R is the property of the conductor, we know it as resistance and measure it in ohm (Ω). Theoretically, the resistance has no dependence on the voltage applied, or on the flow of current. The value of R changes only if the conditions (like temperature, diameter and length etc.) of the resistor are changed by any means.

The limitations of Ohms law are explained as follows:This law cannot be applied to unilateral networks. A unilateral network has unilateral elements like diode, transistors, etc., which do not have same voltage current relation for both directions of current.Ohms law is also not applicable for non – linear elements.Non-linear elements are those which do not give current through it, is not exactly proportional to the voltage applied, that means the resistance value of those elements changes for different values of voltage and current. Examples of non – linear elements are thyristor, electric arc, etc.
Answered by Subharnava


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