State one change which is common in both boys and girls at puberty and one change which is different in boys and girls at puberty.
Common changes in both boys and girls during puberty:
1. Both boys and girls get physical strength and their muscles become more strong.
2. During puberty, the brain releases hormones and the body grows faster in both boys and girls.
3. Hair develops under the arms, on hands and legs, and pubic areas.
Different changes in both boys and girls during puberty:
1. The size of the testes increases in boys and start to develop the sperms. The size of the breasts increases and girls start menstrual periods.
2. Puberty period for boys is between 9 to 14 years old whereas for girls is between 8 to 13 years old.
• Changes at Puberty
• During puberty sudden increase in height takes place. This happens due to elongation of
long bones of legs and arms that make a person tall.