Biology, asked by nitinyeole2002, 4 months ago

state organoleptic character of nux vomica seed​


Answered by yashkm111204


Therapeutic uses Dried seeds of kuchila are nervine, stomachic, and cardio-tonic, aphrodisiac, and respiratory stimulant. · Morphological characteristics · Floral seed


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Answered by angelgagneja10938


Therapeutic uses

Dried seeds of kuchila are nervine, stomachic, and cardio-tonic, aphrodisiac, and respiratory stimulant.

It is used as a remedy in chronic dysentery, paralytic and neuralgic disorders, epilepsy, rheumatic arthritis, and hydrophobia.

In excessive doses, Strychnos is a virulent poison, producing stiffness of muscles and convulsions, ultimately leading to death.

It is an important drug in all systems of medicine.

Morphological characteristics

Strychnos species is a medium-sized, deciduous tree, with fairly straight and cylindrical bole and dark-grey or yellowish-grey bark with minute tubercles.

Leaves are simple, opposite, orbicular to ovate, 6–12 cm long and 6–10 cm broad, coriaceous, glabrous, and five-nerved.

Floral characteristics

Flowers of kuchila are white or greenish white and fragrant.

They occur in many flowered terminal cymes.

Calyx is five lobed, pubescent, and small, about 2 mm in size, while corolla is salver shaped and has five lobes.

Corolla tube is cylindrical, greenish white inside and slightly hairy near the base. Stamens are five in number and have short filaments.

Fruit is an indehiscent berry, 5–6 cm in diameter, thick shelled, orange-red when ripe with fleshy pulp.

Seeds are discoid, compressed, and coin like, concave on one side and convex on the other, and covered with fine grey silky hairs.

Flowering occurs from March to May and fruits mature up to December.


The species is indigenous to India and is distributed in moist deciduous forests throughout the tropical India.

sn 2

Strychnos nux-vomica - mature tree

Climate and soil

The plant can grow well in dry or humid tropical areas of the country.

It grows over laterite, sandy, and alluvial soils.

Propagation material

Seeds are the best material for propagation of kuchila plant.

The collected seeds are dried in the sun after removing the pulp.

Preferably, fresh seeds should be used.

The plant can also be propagated through cuttings.


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