state the countries with low human development
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) compiles the Human Development Index (HDI) of 189 countries in the annual Human Development Report. The index considers the health, education and income in the country to provide a measure of human development which is comparable between countries and over time.
The first human development index was published in 1990 with the goal to be a more comprehensive measure of human development than purely economic measures. The report chooses three key components of human development, longevity (later changed to "Long and healthy life"), knowledge and decent living standards. For each dimension an indicator is chosen which in the 2020 report is life expectancy at birth; expected years of schooling for children and mean years of schooling for adults; and Gross National Income per capita respectively. The indicators are used to create a health index, an education index and an income index each with a value between 0 and 1. The geometric mean of the three indexes, the cube root of the product of the indexes, is the human development index. A value above 0.800 is classified as very high, between 0.700 and 0.799 high, 0.550 to 0.699 as medium and anything below 0.550 as low.