Political Science, asked by brainlyuser13, 11 months ago

State the D.K Basu Guidelines.


Answered by PoojaBurra

The Guidelines of DK Basu are:-

1.   Police Officers carrying out arrest and handling interrogations of          arrestee should bear  

    perfect, visible and clear identification and name tags with designations. Particulars of all such  

    police Officers who controls interrogations of arrestee should be recorded in a register.

2.  Police Officer carrying out arrest should prepare a memo of arrest at time of arrest and such  

    memo should be attested by one witness who can either be a member of family of arrestee  

    or a respectable person of locality from where the arrest is done. It will be counter signed by  

    the arrestee and should have the time and date of arrest.

3.  Person who had been arrested/detained and is in custody in police station or  

    interrogation room or lock ups should be entitled to have one friend/relative or other person known  

    to him or having interest in his welfare being informed as soon as practicable that he had been arrested  

    and is detained in any place till attesting witness of memo of arrest is himself such a friend/relative of  

    the arrested.

4. Time and place of arrest and custody venue of an arrested should be mentioned by police where next  

    friend/relative of arrested lives outside district/town through the Legal Aid Organisation in the  

    District and police station of that area concerned telegraphically within a period of 8-12 hours after arrest.

5. Person arrested should be alerted of his right to informed of his arrest or detention to someone very fast.

Answered by phillipinestest

Guidelines of D.K Basu:

The guidelines made by the Supreme Court after the case of D. K. Basu gave its name as D. K. Basu guidelines which provided protocol for arrest or detention or interrogating any person.

The D. K. Basu guidelines states that,

  • The police persons in context must bear name tags distinctly accurate with designation.  
  • Arrest memo must be made prior and attestation must be done by “at least one witness”.  
  • Arrest must be made informed to at least “one friend or relative”.

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