Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

State the differences between

(a) Decay and Putrefaction

(b) Pasteurization and Sterilization


Answered by ayesha43212



The complete breakdown of organic matter by bacteria.


Incomplete breakdown of organic matter by bacteria.


Does not produce a foul smell.


Generates a foul smell

Answered by samsk1912


(a)Decomposition or decaying is the process by which the organic material is broken down into simpler forms of matter. The process is essential for recycling the finite matter that occupies physical space into biome. Bodies of organisms decompose shortly after their death,

Putrefaction is one stage in the decomposition of the body of a dead animal. It can also be described as the decomposition of proteins which results in the eventual breakdown of cohesion between tissues.

(b)Sterilization Pasteurization

Definition It is a method used to eliminate all microorganisms and their spores. It is a method used to get rid of only the vegetative form of bacteria by heating it to a certain temperature

Types Sterilization can be both physical or chemical. Physical sterilization means sterilization with heat or even cold sterilization. Chemical sterilization means gas sterilization using chemical agents or cold sterilization. Pasteurization depends on temperature and can be vat pasteurization, HHST, HTST.

Effect This method kills all microorganisms including vegetative and spores’ forms. This method eliminates only the vegetative forms of bacteria.

Usage Sterilization is used in microbiology, food industry, packaging industry, etc. Pasteurization is used in medicines, culture mediums, etc. It is used in food preservation methods in the food industry.

Period of validity The period of validity for sterilized products is longer than pasteurization products. The period of validity of pasteurized products is shorter than that of sterilization products.

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