state the different types of biogeochemical cycles and explain the importance of those cycles
(1) the different types of biogeochemical cycles and nitrogen, Oxygen, carbon, water vapour, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
(2) nutrients, necessary for the growth of the organisms are continuously transferred from abiotic to biotic factors and biotic to abiotic factors within an ecosystem.
(3) these cycles operate continuously through the medium of the biosphere formed by the lithospherez atmosphere and hydrosphere.
(4) the recycling of biological, geological and chemical sources of nutrients takes place through these cycles.
(5) nutrients from the biosphere enter the bodies of plants and animals. eventually, after death, all types of consumers are decomposed by decomposers like bacteria and Fungi and they are again released into the biosphere and are used again by living organisms.
(6) therefore these cycles helps in maintaining the flow of nutrients and energy through ecosystem and maintaining the equilibrium in the ecosystem.