English, asked by jyotiblossom92, 4 hours ago

state the factors that Checked the spread of Jainism


Answered by amitkumarswain2005


1. Use of Simple Language:

Mahavira’s religious message was in simple language. His religion was spread through the language of the masses like Magadhi, Prakrit and colloquial languages. The masses were drawn to it as it was in the language they spoke and understood better. Acceptance by the masses soon led it to spread throughout India.

2. Simple Doctrine:

Secondly, Vardhaman Mahavira’s Jainism came to the masses as a welcome relief. They were already fed up with the highly complex Vedic rites and rituals. Jainism was simple, unlike the Vedic religion. The people found it easy to understand and accept. Non­violence and other practical moralities that Jainism advocated attracted the people to it. A comparatively easier way to liberation was its edge over the Vedic religion and thereby it came to gain wider adherence.

3. Personality of Mahavira:

The strong and impressive personality of Mahavira was another factor in this regard. His simple way of living and impressive manner of conversation and pious admonitions drew the masses to him. A rejection of the highly complex Vedic rites and rituals and a de-recognition of God came as a relief to the masses. A prince by birth leading the life of a spiritual recluse drew to him wider popularity, sympathy, support and acceptance. The spread of Jainism was, thus, a resounding success.

4. Patronage or Rulers:

Fourthly, the Kshatriya kings and princes, already unhappy with the increasing influence of the Brahmins in the society, came to accept Jainism and patronize it as it was anti-Brahminical and sponsored by an ex-prince. The mighty king of Magadha, Ajatasatru and his successor Udayin patronized Jainism. Prof. N.N. Ghosh contends that the Nanda dynasty might also have patronized Jainism during that time. With Chandragupta Mauiya’s patronage, Jainism spread rapidly and extensively. Emperor Kharavela of Kalinga also played a key role in spreading Jainism during 1st Century B.C.

In course of time, the southern dynasties like the Chalukya, Rastrakuta, Ganga etc. patronized Jainism. Jainism still retained its credibility during the Mughal rule. Hiravijaya Suri and Bhanuchandra Upadhyaya were its exponents invited by Emperor Akbar to the Ibadatkhana at Fatehpur Sikri to put forward the substance of Jaina spirituality. Thus, royal patronage went a long way to spread Jainism.

5. Role of Jaina Monks:

Fifthly, the role of the Jaina monks and mendicants was unique for the spread of Jainism. Mendicants directly indoctrinated by Mahavira went to spread Jainism in every nook and comer of India. Jaina saint Bhadrabahu was instrumental in the spread of Jainism in South India during 4th Century B.C. He had taken Emperor Chandragupta Maurya to Sravanvelgola in South, where the latter breathed his last. The traders and businessmen invariably accepted Jainism.

The Jaina assembly at Pataliputra, convened after Bhadrabahu’s departure for the South, compiled the teaching of Mahavira in to twelve ‘Angas’. Another such assembly was convened in 512 B.C. at Vallabhi (in Gujrat) under the chairmanship of Nagarjuna.It codified all principles and ‘Agamas’ of Jainism into Anga, Upanga, Mula and Sutra. The Jaina saints spread Jainism from their seats which led its spread throughout India. One such centre was the cave-complex of Udayagui in Bhubaneswar.

6. Role of the Jaina Writers:

Lastly, the facile pen of the Jaina writers contributed greatly to endear Jainism to the masses. Authors like Hemachandra, Haribhadra, Somadeva, Gunabhadra and Ravikirti wrote extensively on the principles of Jainism. Their fiery writing warmed the hearts of the people with its religious heat and spiritual radiance. These causes were responsible for the spread of Jainism among the masses. The harvest was bumper and remarkable.

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