State the function of all the endocrine glands
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The hormone-producing glands are called endocrine glands. These glands have no duct but they pour secretions directly into the blood . therefore they are also called as ductless glands.
Thanks!! But I want the function .
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Small structure at the base of the brain regulates many body functions including appetite and body temperature and regulates the pituitary gland.
Pituitary gland:
a sort of master is a sized endocrine gland.The harmones it secrets affect the growth and secretion of other endocrine glands. Anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary:
Embryologically distinct
Release different hormones.
Anterior pituitary releases Lutinizing harmone and growth hormone.
Posterior pituitary releases oxytocin.
both endocrine (hormones) and exocrine (enzymes) tissue.Releases the hormone insulin.
Adrenal gland:
a pair of endocrine glands just about the Kidneys they secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine in common with the pituitary adrenals with distinct embryological Origins. Adrenal medulla and Adrenal cortex.
both parts of the adrenal work .
together to regulate metabolism.
and cope with stress.
Small structure at the base of the brain regulates many body functions including appetite and body temperature and regulates the pituitary gland.
Pituitary gland:
a sort of master is a sized endocrine gland.The harmones it secrets affect the growth and secretion of other endocrine glands. Anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary:
Embryologically distinct
Release different hormones.
Anterior pituitary releases Lutinizing harmone and growth hormone.
Posterior pituitary releases oxytocin.
both endocrine (hormones) and exocrine (enzymes) tissue.Releases the hormone insulin.
Adrenal gland:
a pair of endocrine glands just about the Kidneys they secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine in common with the pituitary adrenals with distinct embryological Origins. Adrenal medulla and Adrenal cortex.
both parts of the adrenal work .
together to regulate metabolism.
and cope with stress.

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