State the functions and deficiency symptoms of the following nutrients -- Magnesium, iron,
manganese, nitrogen.
Nitrogen - Deficiency Symptoms
The visual symptoms of nitrogen deficiency mean that it can be relatively easy to detect in some plant species. Symptoms include poor plant growth, and leaves that are pale green or yellow because they are unable to make sufficient chlorophyll. Leaves in this state are said to be chlorotic.
Magnesium - Deficiency Symptoms
Low magnesium is known in research circles as the silent epidemic of our times.
Iron - Deficiency Symptoms
Iron can make the difference between you feeling on top of the world and downright miserable. Check out these surprising symptoms of iron deficiency
Manganese - Deficiency Symptoms
The symptoms of a deficiency in manganese, how your body's vital enzymes are affected and the best food sources of this important mineral.
hope it will help you please mark me brainlist