State the limitations of the cell theory.
hii mate..
According to the cell theory, living organisms are composed of cells. Organisms consisting of only one cell carry out all functions of life in that cell. Surface area to volume ratio is important in the limitation of cell size...
thank you..& sorry bro that's a copid..i have no time..
Viruses do not have a cell (acellular organisms) or cell machinery for vital functions. It does not obey the theory of “omnis cellula e cellula”.In some organisms, a number of nuclei are present in the body where differentiation of cells is absent, like Rhizopus (fungus) and Vaucheria (alga), cells are coenocytic.In sieve tube elements and mature RBCs of mammals, the nucleus is lacking.The well-defined nucleus is absent in prokaryotes. Instead, a nucleoid is present.Prokaryotes also lack many cell organelles which are present in the eukaryotes.Schleiden believed new cells to arise from cytoblast or nucleus, but Schwann thought through crystallisation. However, the chemical origin of life and cells are not
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