state the major nutrients and group the food items with similar nutrients for food exchange food exchange
The Exchange System groups together foods that have roughly the same amounts of calories, carbohydrate, fat and protein into "Exchange" groups, so that one may be exchanged for another. ... For example, at breakfast you might aim for one Starch exchange, one Fruit, one Fat and one Milk.
A tool to help you plan your daily meals and control glucose.
Diabetes is a disorder of how your body processes food: after you eat something, the level of glucose in your blood rises, but your body is unable to produce enough (or any) of the hormone insulin, necessary to help clear glucose from the blood. So, every choice you make about what to eat or drink is important.
Eating to manage diabetes, then, means eating with your eyes open-knowing what's going into your body and when. That means planning for, and keeping track of, your meals. Ideally, you'll work with a dietitian or diabetes educator to determine an eating plan that works with your schedule and your needs, one that takes into account how and what you like to eat. One system you might opt to use is the Exchange System-a classic method that has helped people with diabetes select foods for over 50 years.