State the mechanistic theory of nature of the state
Liberals believe that the state is akin to a mechanist, artificial machine and is created by individuals with the express purpose to protect their freedom
Take the case of the social contract outlined by John Locke. He argued that individuals move from a state of nature towards a social contract with rights and duties on both sides. The purpose of the social contract is to uphold personal freedom, the government is created by the people and can be replaced if it fails to maintain the core value of liberty.
Mechanistic theory also stipulates that our behaviour is determined by the interactions between individuals. Mechanistic theory is therefore the opposite of the conservative view that society is an organism in which the state evolves over time.
Mechanical societies are also based upon the equal worth of individuals. This reflects the liberal support for foundational and formal equality.
Mechanistic theories emerged from the Enlightenment, a crucial period of history within the context of political ideas.