state the reason for using the following substances in the experiment related photosynthesis.
a) alchol.
b) potassium hydro oxide.
c) iodine solution
give short answer ok friends
A) Alcohol is used to show that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.
First leaves are boiled with Alcohol solution, thus all the chloride molecules are removed. Then, leaves are exposed to sunlight. But there wasn't any photosynthetic reaction. Therefore it is conformed that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.
B) Potassium is used in half leaf experiment.
First a plant is taken, then half the leaves of plant are soaked with KOH and half left free. The leaves which were not soaked with KOH (potassium hydroxide), performed photosynthesis as CO2 was available to them. But the leaves soaked with KOH didn't perform photosynthesis, as all the CO2 were absorbed by KOH solution. This conforms plants need CO2 for photosynthesis.
C) Iodine solution is used to prove that stored food is starch.
When leaves after photosynthesis are treated with iodine solution, they show purple colour. Thus starch presence is conformed.
hope this will help you