state the sign of the charge acquired by an object when it is charged by a positively charged rod through conduction or induction give the reason for your statement.
the ans is
When charged by conduction, the charges are conducted i.e. the charges travel from the charged rod to uncharged body. Hence the body acquires the same charge as the conductor, which in this case is the +vely charged rod
When charged by conduction, the charges are conducted i.e. the charges travel from the charged rod to uncharged body. Hence the body acquires the same charge as the conductor, which in this case is the +vely charged rod.
Whereas, in induction, the charges of the charged "induce" the opposite charges in the uncharged body to come towards it by attractive coulombic forces. Hence, in induction, a body acquires a charge opposite to that of the conductor.
Hence the body will acquire a -ve charge in this case.