State The Significance Of Noble Gases (As Many Points As Possible) .
Noble gases have uses that are derived from their other chemical properties. The very low boiling points and melting points of the noble gases make them useful in the study of matter at extremely low temperatures. The low solubility of helium in fluids leads to its admixture with oxygen for breathing by deep-sea divers: because helium does not dissolve in the blood, it does not form bubbles upon decompression (as nitrogen does, leading to the condition known as decompression sickness, or the bends). Xenon has been used as an anesthetic; although it is costly, it is nonflammable and readily eliminated from the body. Radon is highly radioactive; its only uses have been those that exploit this property (e.g., radiation therapy). (Oganesson is also radioactive, but, since only a few atoms of this element have thus far been observed, its physical and chemical properties cannot be documented.)
Only krypton, xenon, and radon are known to form stable compounds. The compounds of these noble gases are powerful oxidizing agents (substances that tend to remove electrons from others) and have potential value as reagents in the synthesis of other chemical compounds