state the structure and function of the collenchyma
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Structure - It is made up of cells which are elongated and are thick at the corner or edges.
Function - Thus tissue helps to support the plant parts.
collenchyma tissues are loose packed and are flexible their cell walls are thickened at corners bcause of deposit of pectin material and cellulose they provide flexibility and easy bending to the plant without breaking down . the are found near petiols and stems.
Mark as brainliest answer
It is a special type of parenchyma having localised thickening on the cell walls and is found only in the primary body.
The cells are longer than ordinary parenchyma. It is soft tissue having a pliable primary wall. The thickening of the corners of the cell is due to the addition of cellulose and pectin.
It provides flexibility as allows easy bending in different parts.
It provides rigidity and strength.