Social Sciences, asked by hitanshu5012, 8 months ago

State the two causes of volcanic eruption and its two advantages.
State the two main effects of hurricane on human life.
State the main cause of flood in the river.
State the cause and effect of forest fire.


Answered by 123proo321


1.It gives us really fertile soil ,which r great for crops ND farming. 2. volcanoes also provide good environment for the formation of new habitats for animals,plants ND insects .

Hurricanes effect people's lives because they can do so much damage. Winds can damage houses, trees, and any outdoor property. If the hurricane doesn't destroy where people live then the major flooding after hurricanes might. When homes are destroyed, people may have to rebuild homes and towns.

Severe flooding is caused by atmospheric conditions that lead to heavy rain or the rapid melting of snow and ice. Geography can also make an area more likely to flood. For example, areas near rivers and cities are often at risk for flash floods.

When the frequency of forest fires in a given area is high, the consequences can be devastating. ... Forest fires increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate changefire can be deadly, destroying homes, wildlife habitat and timber, and polluting the air with emissions harmful to human health. Fire also releases carbon dioxide—a key greenhouse gas—into the atmosphere. Fire's effect on the landscape may be long-lasting.

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