state the types of shsre capital..?
The two types of share capital are common stock and preferred stock.
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Types Of Share Capital Are :
- Authorised Capital
- Issued Capital
- Subscribed Capital
- Called up capital
- Paid up capital
- Uncalled Capital
- Reserve Capital
• Authorised capital :
Authorised Capital is the amount of share capital which a company is authorised to issue by it's memorandum of association. The company cannot raise the amount of capital as specified in the Memorandum of Association.
• Issued Capital :
Issued Capital is that part of the authorised Capital which is actually issued to public for subscription including the shares alloted by vendors and the signatories to the company's Memorandum.
• Subscribed Capital :
Subscribed Capital is that part of the issued Capital which has been actually subscribed by the public.
• Called Up Capital :
It is that part of subscribed capital which has been called upon the shares.The company may decide to call the entire amount or part of the face value of the shares.
• Paid Up Capital :
It is that portion of called up capital which has been actually received from the stake holders.
• Uncalled Capital :
The portion of subscribed capital which has not yet been called up. This is called uncalled capital.
• Reserve Capital :
A company may reserve a portion of its uncalled capital to be called only in the event of ending up of the company. Such uncalled amount is called Reserve Capital of the company.
Categories of Share Capital is attached ;