Computer Science, asked by IAMASTUDENT645, 10 months ago

State True or False:
1. A microprocessor chip contains millions of transistors.
2. The output can only be in the form of a hardcopy.
3. The speed of a CPU is determined by the number of instructions it executes per second.
4. AC, DR, AR and PC are types of Registers.
5. The printed information on the paper is called a soft copy.​


Answered by sriram9900
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
Answered by mad210203







  1. TRUE, It is an electronic component .The whole central processing unit is printed on a single chip and that is called a microprocessor. It consist of millions of components connected to form as many circuits.
  2. FALSE, the output can also be presented on screen or a projector or a speaker ,headphone ,a seven segment display and many more ways.
  3. TRUE, more the central processing unit perform instructions per second higher will be the speed, it is a basic criteria to measure the same
  4. TRUE, address register ,data register ,accumulator and program counter are types of registers used to store data
  5. FASE, the information which has not been printed and is available only on software is called a soft copy .Once it gets printed ,it becomes hard copy.

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