Computer Science, asked by dssharadha, 5 months ago

State True or False.
1. A single printer can be used in a network to serve the entire computer.
2. Less wire is used in a star topology.
3. A database is an organized way of storing the file.
4. A record is a row in the database.
5. System software is also called an operating system.
6. Bus topology and ring topology are the same in functional nature.
7. LAN covers a large area than MAN.
8. A table may have more than one primary key.
9. In star topology T–a connecter is essential to connect the computer in the network.
10. Data base of multiple tables is called RDBMS.
III. Match the Following
1. Primary Key a. Group of both primary and alternate key.
2. Candidate Key b. Uses the HUB for connecting the computers
3. LAN c. Alternate key of the second table.
4. STAR topology d. interconnection of computers within the building.
5. & e. Acts on the first field of Database table.
6. Foreign key f. Two sections in HTML program.


Answered by ojasva1234






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