State true or false: Mixed nerves carry messages to and from the brain.
a) Motor nerves are the nerves which carries the information from the brain to the effector organs. For example, oculomotor nerve which carries motor impulse of muscles of the eye.
b) Sensory nerves are the nerves which carries the stimulus from the organs to the brain for its interpretation. For example, Optic nerve is a second cranial nerve which originates from the retina of the eye and carries the stimulus to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum which interprets the information.
c) Saccral nerve are the nerves which arise from the saccral region of spinal chord. It forms plexus and supplies to lower portion of the body.
Motor Nerves – They carry messages from the brain to the muscles in the body
Mixed Nerves – They carry the sensory and motor nerves.