state True or false please give me the answer

4 is false becoz the places occupied by British are playing cricket so afganistan is annexed by British
⭐❤ Answer ❤⭐
State whether true or false :
1. False, the French east India company was formed after the east India company
As french east India company was formed in 1 September, 1664 and the English east India company was formed in 31 December 1600.
2. True , As the English east India company has all trade routes from india to England, as the company secretaries are britishers, and while servants are from india who worked under this company .
3. True, As marathas and mysore both faced severe attacks from British, so they had made both military alliance to support Anglo-Mysore War against british
4. True , As british invaded Afghan three times, but they defeated , In the first Anglo-Afghan War 1838-1842. the British failed it to annex Afghanistan.