State two possible sources of internal conflict in a business that makes low-cost clothing and is planning to use computer-controlled machines.
Internal Conflict
The two types of conflict are internal and external. With internal conflict, it is personal to the person involved. This type of conflict takes place within the person. It can surface when a person’s values or morals are tested or otherwise compromised. Internal conflict can cause a great deal of stress as the person has to be able to remedy the situation on his own in most situations. Internal conflict can greatly impact the person’s performance level. Many times, being able to talk about the situation and the source of the conflict can help tremendously.
External Conflict
External conflict is conflict that occurs outside of the person. This can be conflict that is observed in others or outside forces that are causing conflict for the person, such as an unhappy customer or an unruly supplier. External conflict can also be caused when the management style of the business owner does not set well with the employees of the organization. A common example of this is a boss who likes to micro-manage but has a staff of highly independent employees. This is bound to cause conflict and an unpleasant work situation.