English, asked by shamiyazahra, 14 days ago

State whether the sentences are in the direct or indirect speech:
1.He said, "I have done my homework
2. Jill said, "My mother is baking a cake."
3. Garima said to Andy that she liked her.
4. "The sun is a huge ball of fire," said the teacher.
5. Mon'a told her mother that she wanted to see a movie.
6. The boy said. "I can solve the puzzle.
7. Jack said that those toys belonged to him.
8. My mother says, "Honesty is the best policy."
9. You said to him. "I have decided to go to the party."
10. The porter said that the train had arrived
u don't have to answers all questions u know how much that u can answer​


Answered by mittalashok5281


1. direct speech

2. direct speech

3. indirect speech


5. indirect speech

6. direct speech

7. indirect speech


9. direct speech


Answered by dmithra07


1. direct

2. direct

3. indirect

4. direct

5. indirect

6. direct

7. indirect

8. direct

9. direct

10. indirect

pls mark me as brainliest

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