std 10th ch 8 not understant
The hack driver himself is Lutkins but pretends to be Bill Magnuson. He tricks the lawyer to avoid the summons to be a witness in a case.
Question 1
What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
DNA copying has following importance in reproduction:
It maintains the characteristics of species.
It maintains the continuity of life.
From this, the characteristics and features of organisms are transformed to their progeny.
It produces variations in organisms which is the basis of evolution of new species.
Question 2
Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the individual?
The various populations of organisms interact with many types of ecological niches. This is important for them to survive in given conditions. In case of any damage caused to the ecological conditions of the population, the population gets adversely affected. The organisms which are able to survive, may reproduce to develop population which is adapted or suited to the varied conditions. Hence variation is beneficial to species, but not to the individuals.