Social Sciences, asked by avinashgehlot, 9 months ago

Std 6 SS , Marks : 25, October 2020

Q.1 Fill in the blanks (5)
1. The evidences of residences of primitive man are found in _____caves in the river valley region of Narmada.
2. The area receiving maximum temperature (heat) and maximum light on the earth is called_____.
3. During steady residence the first tame animal was_____.
4. Gujarat has about _____sq km of geographical area.
5. The_____of our country indicates the unity in diversity.

Q.2 Choose the correct option (5)
1. From where do we get most of the information about the early life of early man?
A. From tools B. From habitation C. From caves D. From food
2. Which continent extends upto the South Pole?
A. Africa B. Antarctica C. Australia D. Asia
3. From which ancient place have the archaeologists found the bones sheep,goats and cows in large quantity?
A. Mahagadh B. Hullar C. Burjhom D. Mehargadh
4. How many kilometres long is the seacoast of Gujarat?
A. 1600 B 1750 C 2600 D 1480
5. Which district is situated in the north-west boundary of Gujarat?
A. Valsad B. Banaskantha C. Jamnagar D. Kutch

Q.3 Put ✓ or × against the statements (5)
1. New Stone Age is considered to be Farmers stage.
2. The semi-circular area to the north of equator is called 'Southern Hemisphere'.
3. Some men in Joma's village were making clay-pots.
4. Most of the area in Gujarat is hilly.
5. During freedom movement communalism and casteism were observed in people of India.

Q. 4 Answer the following questions (10)
1. Which are our national symbols?
2. State the total geographical area of Gujarat.
3. Give the names of the continents on the earth.
4. Which changes took place in the life of the ancient man due to civilization?
5. Although all indians are different from each other, yet they are united. How can we say this​


Answered by jiyapadhariya


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