English, asked by sakshishelar187, 3 months ago


Q Find the small word hidden in the big word 1-innkeeper 2-merchent 3-forget. 4-forehead​


Answered by varalakshmil026

First : ink . Second : rent . Third : rot .Fourth : read

Answered by qwxavi

1. Innkeeper - Inn, Keeper, Keep, Inner

2. Merchant - Chant, rant, Met, Mat, Cat, Hat, At

3. Forget - Forge, Fog, Get, Fort, Or

4. Forehead - Fore, head, heed, read, for

a. Words that are formed from mismatching or rearranging letters from another word as called hidden words or Tmesis.

b. Tmesis, in Greek means "To Cut". It basically is used as a rhetorical device and means breaking down a sentence, word or phrase.

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