step by step instruction is called
Step by step instruction is called?
Step-by-step instruction is called _Software_.
Explanation :
The set of instructions is called software or a program. Software is a set of instructions that are organized sequentially.
Software is computer programs that are designed to operate a computer system. All types of software are like the soul of a computer. If the computer's hardware is the computer's body, then the software is the soul of the computer. Without software, there is no justification for a computer. That's why step-by-step is called software or program.
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Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information Technology?
a. Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for processing information
b. Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for distribution of useful information
c. Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage, retrieval, processing and distributing information of many kinds.
d. Information Technology refers to the use of principles of Physical sciences and Social sciences for processing of information of many kinds.