English, asked by Noga, 1 year ago

Steps taken to conduct the assembly


Answered by Aishwaryakale
I don't know. . . .

Anonymous: Then why u answered?
Anonymous: For points!!!
Anonymous: I know , I can give the answer....
Answered by girlishstyle
hyy frnd 

here is ur answer

the steps taken to conduct an assembly are :-

(1) firstly, start ur day or ur assembly with a wonderful prayer  

(2)  salutations like good morning , respected ye vo ye vo

(3) call the student who will be going to speak a poem and then give her a wonderful reward like wow what a wonderful poem by speaking her name

(4) call another student who will be going to speak speech on that particular topic and then after her speech again reward herby saying that this speech has enlightened our day.

(5) now call other two students for that present day news( it should conclude  national,international,schoolcampus,sports newsand weather forecast also)

(6) now end up ur assembly by saying that now we r inviting aur worthy class teacher for saying some words and then say thank u sir  then call ur principal or editor and after giving the speech u will say or ur principal or ur editor will say u and whole the schl for national anthem


girlishstyle: plzz mark as brainlist
girlishstyle: plzzz
Aishwaryakale: but how?
girlishstyle: just see below my profile
girlishstyle: there will be a sign of crown
girlishstyle: just click there
Aishwaryakale: there is no sign of crown
girlishstyle: then leave it
girlishstyle: its okk
girlishstyle: bye bye
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