Physics, asked by abhishekkumar4, 1 year ago

stone is allowed to fall from the top of a tower of 100 M high and at the same time another stone is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25 m per second calculate when and where the two stones will meet


Answered by JunaidMirza
Time after which they’ll meet
T = Relative Distance / Relative Velocity
= 100 m / (25 m/s - 0)
= 4 seconds

Distance travelled by stone falling freely in 4 seconds
S = 0.5gT^2
= 0.5 × 10 × 4^2
= 80 m

When they’ll meet?
After 4s

Where they’ll meet?
They’ll at a distance 80 m from top of the tower (or) at a distance 20 m from ground.
Answered by Anonymous

_/\_Hello mate__here is your answer--


⚫Let the two stones meet after a time t.

CASE 1 :-When the stone dropped from the tower

u = 0 m/s

g = 9.8 ms−2

Let the displacement of the stone in time t from the top of the tower be s.

From the equation of motion,

s = ut + 1/2gt^2

⇒s = 0 × + 1/2× 9.8 ×t ^2

⇒ s = 4.9t^2 …………………… . (1)


CASE 2 :--When the stone thrown upwards

u = 25 ms−1

g = −9.8 ms−2(upward direction)

Let the displacement of the stone from the ground in time t be '

Equation of motion,

s' = ut+ 1/2gt^2

⇒s′ = 25 × − 1/2× 9.8 × t^2

⇒s′ = 25 − 4.9t^2 …………………… . (2)


Given that the total displacement is 100 m.

s′ + s = 100

⇒ 25 − 4.9t^2 + 4.9t^2 = 100

⇒ t =100 /25 = 4 s

The falling stone has covered a distance given by (1) as = 4.9 × 4^2 = 78.4 m

Therefore, the stones will meet after 4 s at a height (100 – 78.4) = 20.6 m from the ground.

I hope, this will help you.☺

Thank you______❤


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