Hindi, asked by kaswini1061, 11 months ago

Stories best for story teller compition


Answered by eshikafarzana


If you can make up your own story then that's become the best part ... I participated once and I said my own made up Story on maths panic and I got the first prize... So you can also do the same thing...

Answered by Rithu170310

Answer: Well I Wrote My Own Story

Explanation: So The Story Is Mainly Based On Horror

               There is a dog rescue in Colorado, for the most misunderstood breed of dog, the pit bull. The owner of the rescue is Tanya Boyer and her kids Serina, Ashley, Ron, and Rylee. An average day at the rescue consists of receiving calls of pit bulls wandering in the street, stuck in abandoned homes, and even calls of pit bulls known to be being abused. Shortly after receiving calls, a team of 2-3 people find the location of the pit bull and attempts to rescue it, and then brings it back to the Billibous Rescue Center to be well cared for. Other than receiving calls, and rescuing pit bulls, a day consist of grooming, bathing, feeding, playing with the dogs, and cleaning. Now I am going to tell you about a very nerve-wracking rescue that the rescue employees achieved, but from the perspective of Ashley.

Hello everyone, I'm Ashley and here's a story of a nerve-wracking rescue. We got to work that day, February 4th, it was a slow morning, with only two calls by nine in the morning, when we have usually received at least five. Since it was slow we all took a kennel and deep cleaned it. In order to clean the kennels, the dogs must be outside, just as we were getting the last dog, the 97th one, we got a phone call. It was about a female pit bull who looked like she just got done nursing puppies that showed up to a door whimpering, and whining. The caller, whose name was Margaret, did not know where the dog could have come from because she just moved to Colorado and had only been living in that house for a week. While on the phone, Margaret found the dog's name, Cookie, she said that the dog responded really well to that name, so we could tell she had been with a family. Maybe she got dumped when her owner could tell she was about to have puppies? Serina and I drove to the location of Cookie and talked to Margaret. After locating Cookie we looped a rope around her hoping that she would walk us to where her puppies were hidden, and she did just that. She walked us to an old burned down store, and as we got closer, we couldhear little tiny puppy whines, but we could not locate where exactly her puppies were.

I called Rylee, "What should we do? we have located a mother, and we can hear her puppies but cannot find them"

Rylee replied, "If she's not scared then you can remove the rope and see if she will locate her babies" So we unlooped her.

"She found them!" We kept Rylee on the phone in case we needed help, but as soon as Cookie located her puppies we crawled through the disaster of wood, and glass. When we finally reached Cookie we saw why she couldn't get to her puppies and was at Margaret's door, there was a broken board slanted against the wall, making it impossible for Cookie to feed her puppies or be near them.

"She is so happy to see her puppies, we have moved the board that barricaded the puppies, but there are nine puppies who need desperate help, so could you come here as soon as possible to get these puppies and Cookie out of this mess?"

"Yes, I will be there in the next five minutes, Start picking up the puppies, but keep an eye on Cookie as removing her puppies may scare her."

We started to remove the puppies, when suddenly Cookie jolted past us and through the broken window heading directly towards a busy highway. "Call the center, see if Ron is available to come help we need to stop Cookie!" I explained while I ran to the truck, grabbed the rope, and a bag of treats, and started callingCookie, but it was obvious that we lost her trust she was not going to come near us, again. I called Ron and told him to go into the laundry-mat parking lot across the highway and attempt to get across, to hopefully scare Cookie back towards us. As soon as we saw Ron we were alert watching Cookie, Ron ran across the highway but not aggressively and Cookie started running towards us, we shook the treats, yelled her name, and she curved and started to run the other way. Serina, Ron, and I tried to circle her so shed stay where she was, and it actually worked, she stopped, and we looped the rope around her. We still had to get her puppies so we ran to the torn down building where they were, crawled through the mess, I started handing Ron the puppies who then took them to the truck and kenneled them.

Part2 is coming soon

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